La Habra High School Class of 1964
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La Habra High School Class of 1964 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 8
Share your favorite personal photos from yesteryear.  These may include occupations, military, family, hobbies and old high school photos.

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Graduation - June 11, 1964 Highlander Stadium 7:30 pm
Posted By: Bonnie (White) Sutton
Views: 2813

Commencement - June 11, 1964
Posted By: Bonnie Sutton
Views: 2669

After Graduation - 1964
Posted By: Bonnie Sutton
Views: 2755

La Habra war dead, Vietnam...
Posted By: Jim Hurt
Views: 2446

Gordon and Nanci Stewart at 20 year reunion.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2195

David and Sharon Magyar with Cheryl Carl Kim at 20th Reunion
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2280

Jim Koontz and Donne Florence at 20th Reunion
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2228

John Meyers at 20th Reunion
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2293

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