La Habra High School Class of 1964
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La Habra High School Class of 1964 - Latest News

Adding your contact information will help us keep in touch, even if you don't plan to attend the reunion. You can choose to make it private or public. If private, only our committee will view the information. Your update will be posted the next day.

To add or update your information: 1. Click on 'Contact Classmates' at the top. 2. Click on 'Update My Information.' 3. Fill in the form and click on private or public depending on what you want to share with classmates. 4. submit. You can go back and update if you want to make changes or add information. Be sure to enter your full name.

We appreciate your help in finding classmates that are not yet listed on our website. To add information about a missing friend: 1. Click on "Contact Classmates" at the top. 2. Click on "Missing Classmate Info." 3. Fill in the form. 4. Submit.

Thanks for adding information about you and your friends. We will be sending more information and updates to your email address.

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